On 23rd February 2024, we had an interactive and engaging Street Theater (PET) in the Majengo, Pumwani area. The community members were very receptive, and our performance touched on a sensitive issue that most people are not knowledgeable about – Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV).
Addressing SGBV through Street Theater
Our performance focused on various SGBV cases, how to report and the referral pathways. We were thrilled to have Maisha Girls Safe House on board, which made it easier and more realistic for the community members to understand and know that there is an organization within their reach that can help in keeping their girls safe when it comes to such issues.
Community Response
The community members were very receptive to our message, and we received positive feedback from them. They appreciated our efforts in addressing such a sensitive issue and providing them with information on how to report and seek help.
Maisha Girls Safe House
Having Maisha Girls Safe House on board was a game-changer. They provided valuable insights into the referral pathways and how to report SGBV cases. The community members were relieved to know that there is an organization that can help keep their girls safe.
Reporting SGBV Cases
In case you encountered any cases around SGBV, from rape, defilement, etc., kindly do feel free to reach out to Maisha Girls Safe House. They are equipped to handle such cases and ensure the safety of the victim.
Partnership Opportunities
We also encouraged you to reach out to us for some productive partnership. We use theater to amplify the issues surrounding our communities, and we believe that through partnerships, we can make a more significant impact.
We were grateful for the opportunity to address such a sensitive issue in the community. We believe that through theater, we can create awareness and empower community members to take action. Let us continue to work together to create safe and supportive communities for all.